APIT (Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy), also referred to as biopuncture, is the administration of injections containing low dilution homeopathic remedies, vitamins (like vitamin B-12), minerals and other botanical substances, compounded and dispensed in ampoules. It is used to help regulate inflammatory processes in the body, stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability and aid in detoxification.
The main aim of the treatment using APIT, is to have a local effect at the site of the injection. This means that if there is for example physical trauma, inflammation, pain or swelling, the injection used together with acupuncture will lead to much faster recovery from injury. The injections help speed up the healing process, as well as provide a longer lasting healing response. Some examples here are back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle pain, sprains and strains, sciatica, degenerative joint disorders, tennis/golfer’s elbow, TMJ syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, heel spurs, bursitis, arthritis, gout, post-herpetic neuralgia.
As an acupuncturist, I also inject into carefully selected acupuncture points for maximum relief. Here the injection points are used to improve the body’s natural response and thus have a more global effect on the patient’s health. Examples of conditions treated with great success are fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches/migraines, allergies, sinusitis, low immune systems, herpes, vertigo, liver problems, gall or kidney stones, IBS, menstrual difficulties, endometriosis, PCOS, poor circulation or lymph drainage.