Diet and nutrition have always been a key component of oriental medicine, used alongside acupuncture, herbs, exercise and bodywork. It is based on concepts such as eating a varied, yet balanced diet in moderation. Rather than the popular “you are what you eat” dogma, oriental medicine believes that balanced dietary practices are just one piece of a healthy lifestyle. The rest are exercise, adequate rest and relaxation and a good mental attitude.
There is a big difference between the Chinese and conventional view of a balanced diet. The Chinese diet system incorporates a variety of tastes, foods, and herbs that will be therapeutic for your current condition. The healing properties of foods, as well as their nutritional content is taken into account. Something that is therapeutic for one person may be harmful to another.
There are also Chinese herbs that are suitable to be consumed like foods. They are called food-like herbs. These herbs are usually mild, with little or no side effect, even in long term use. Conventional nutritional science looks at your diet in terms of calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
If indicated, you will receive a tailor-made nutrition plan, based on oriental and functional medicine, to best suit your needs. Your nutrition plan is updated as your condition changes.