
Not generally. The experience is different for everyone. The needles don’t generally cause discomfort or pain. The sensation caused by an acupuncture needle varies. Some people feel a little pinch as the needles are inserted. I take the patient’s comfort level into account. The needles are very thin, slightly thicker than a human hair. The needles are also filiform needles, meaning they are solid and not hollow like hypodermic needles. Feedback from many patients with phobia for needles, is that it is less invasive than they imagined, and they mostly continue with acupuncture because of its effectiveness and long-term results. Some patients even fall asleep during treatment. Sensitivity may last for a short time after treatment where the needles were inserted.

Yes. Occasionally, bruising may develop at the insertion point. If so, apply Arnica ointment to the bruised area. It is temporary and will clear up on its own.

Ten to twenty needles are the average number used per session The number of needles will vary depending on your chief complaint and constitution.

Typically, needles are inserted at depths ranging from ¼ to 1 inch in depth. The depth of insertion depends on the nature of the condition being treated, the patient's size, age and constitution.

Treatment time ranges from 20-30 minutes, depending on the patients’ condition and constitution.

The number of treatments will vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief, others may take months or even years to achieve results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute ones. After the initial new patient visit, you will be given a tailor-made treatment plan, which will give you an idea of what to expect.

Pulse diagnosis is one of the tools that we use to assess the health of all the major organ systems in the body. There are 3 pulse positions on each wrist, each corresponding to a specific meridian and organ. We look for 27 individual qualities that reflect overall health and strength of energy. If there are any problems, it may appear in the pulse.

This is another diagnostic tool used by us. The tongue is a map of the body. It reflects the general health of the organs and meridians. The acupuncturist will look at the color, shape, cracks and coating on your tongue.

Yes. Consult with your primary care physician before starting acupuncture and make sure you consult with a registered acupuncture physician. Acupuncture is recommended by many primary care physicians, fertility specialists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, pain specialists, psychologists and oncologists to complement their own therapies. Acupuncture can also be used alongside massage therapy, chiropractic treatment, chelation and other alternative therapies.

Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever or acute pain.

Dry needling is commonly used by chiropractors and physical therapists as a means to treat musculoskeletal complaints. These treatments are solely focused on trigger points within the muscle tissue without any reference to acupuncture points. It does not treat holistically, like acupuncture. Minimal training is required to achieve certification and the primary reason dry needling has become outlawed in most states.

Quiet rest after placement of the acupuncture needles is essential for treatment to be received
by the body. When the mind is abruptly pulled out of this quiet rest, the healing is significantly
diminished. Turning off your cell phone will optimize the benefits of our work together.


Yes. It is always advisable to consult with a registered homeopath before using  homeopathic remedies. It can be very helpful for difficulties during pregnancy, like morning sickness and for difficult deliveries and postpartum problems. It can also be of great assistance to newborns with for example colic and sleep problems.

Yes. Even though some of the remedies are potentially harmful in their original state, the highly diluted nature of the homeopathic remedies mean that they are non-toxic and safe to use.

Like any other medicine, homeopathy should be used safely and I would suggest under the guidance of a registered homeopath, even though it is considered natural medicine. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself, so different reactions can occur. This depends on various factors, like the patient’s sensitivity to the remedy as well as the potency and the nature of the illness. The possible side effects from using conventional medicine are not experienced when using homeopathy.

Occasionally, the symptoms may become temporarily slightly worse. This is called a homeopathic aggravation, and it is seen as the release of underlying problems, thus ultimately helpful. After this, the symptoms will subside as you regain your health. 

They are dispensed in many different ways. Homeopathic tablets, pillules/pellets, granules, powders, oral liquid drops, ear/nose/throat drops, sprays, ointments, gels, creams, drinking and injectable ampoules. This allows for easy administration and compliance, as especially children usually like the taste.

Homeopathic tablets, pillules/pellets, granules, powder should be put directly under the tongue and not swallowed, chewed or washed down with water. Do not touch the remedy before taking it. Dissolve liquid in a spoon of water if desired, or take it undiluted. Food, beverages, chewing gum, smoking or toothpaste should be avoided 15 minutes before and after taking homeopathic remedies. It will affect the absorption of the remedies.

No. It is the frequency of the remedy and not the amount of remedy that makes the difference.

Store remedies in a cool, dry place (approximately 77°F ), away from direct sunlight.

Do not leave the remedies in your car.

Store out of reach of children.

Store away from perfumes or strong smells, incense or aromatherapy oils. 

Store away from microwaves, television sets, cellphones and other electronic equipment.

Once you have taken the remedy, make sure you close the lid tightly, as to prevent contamination.

No. Homeopathy is effective in treating both chronic and acute conditions. It is a common misconception that homeopathy takes a long time to work and that it is best used for chronic conditions. Homeopathy is actually extremely effective in acute conditions like colds, flu, earache, colic and tonsillitis. With the correct homeopathic prescription, improvement is expected within 24 hours after treatment begins or even sooner. Homeopathy can shorten the duration of these types of infections and secondary infections are also usually prevented. 

In chronic conditions the pathway to health may take longer, depending on the individual patient.

Homeopathy is very limited in their drug interaction. In most cases there is no conflict between conventional medicine and homeopathy, and they may be used to complement each other. Some conventional medicine may have such a powerful effect on the patient, that it may inhibit the action of the homeopathic remedy. Make sure you are under the care of a registered homeopath to help guide you with this. Never stop your conventional medicine without first consulting with your primary care physician. Safety first.

Yes. Homeopathy is very effective in supporting the patient’s recovery after operations, trauma or long periods of illness. It can help minimize the risk of side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and other chronic medications.

Yes. Homeopathic remedies are considered drugs under the US Federal Law. The Food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates the manufacture, marketing and sales of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies are made according to a book of standards, called the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). The HPUS contains all of the information necessary for the proper identification of the raw materials used to make homeopathic remedies, as well as techniques for their manufacture and quality control. Homeopathic remedies are derived from plants, minerals or other organic substances.

Conventional/allopathic/western/biomedicine uses active chemically isolated substances. These are aimed at either suppressing specific biochemical processes in the body or killing specifically targeted organisms, such as bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. This approach often leads to side effects, because such substances could affect more than just the biochemical processes, organisms or pathogens targeted, leading to possible destruction of biochemical processes, important defence mechanisms and organisms. 

Homeopathy is based upon a fundamental law of nature, known as the Law of Similars. The symptoms caused by a substance when it is administered to a healthy person, are the very symptoms which that substance can cure, when administered to a sick person. Simply put, when a substance can cause it, it can cure it!  Like Cures Like. An example of this is the red onion. Anyone who has sliced onions in the kitchen, should be familiar with the aftermath. In homeopathy, we use Allium Cepa, the red onion, to treat cases of typical common cold or allergy, accompanied by copious, watery, burning nasal discharge, watery eyes and violent sneezing.  

Homeopathy aims to not suppress the symptoms of the patient, but to address the underlying issues which are causing the symptoms in order to bring about a cure. The ideal here is that the person needs just enough of the homeopathic remedy to stimulate the healing response. We seek to cure a person, so that they do not need any medication, homeopathic or otherwise. 

Homeopathy recognises that each individual exhibits his or her disease in a slightly different way. Two people with the same disease will not necessarily receive the same homeopathic remedy

APIT (Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy)

We usually inject just under the skin or into the muscle, depending on the condition being treated, using the smallest needle size. Some patients may find mild discomfort during a session, but the majority of patients experience no pain.

Yes. The ampoules usually contain diluted products and as a result toxic side effects are very unlikely. The ampoules are manufactured by companies that guarantee the highest quality control regulations. In a few rare cases there may be temporary redness, itching and swelling of the injection areas.

Some patients experience improvement immediately after the first treatment. This usually is more likely to happen in an acute case. In more chronic conditions several sessions might be necessary before improvement is noticed. This may then bring permanent relief and healing.

Yes. You may feel worse the day after the injection, experiencing more pain or discomfort. This is temporary and this is called the “reaction phase”, meaning the real healing is on its way. The body needs time to heal itself. If it is an old or complicated injury, it may take a while before the tissues or functions are repaired. During this time you should not overuse the injured area. This is called the “repairing phase”.

The effects of these injections have been studied for decades. Scientific investigation has illustrated that Traumeel indeed works via the immune system. In June 2004 an article was published in a medical journal, Clinical & Developmental Immunology, identifying the mechanisms of action of Traumeel, which included the inhibition of IL-1 beta and inhibition of TNF-alpha secretion.

To use APIT, licenced Acupuncture Physicians must complete an additional 60 hours of academic and clinical training beyond their traditional education to become certified in this technique.

In APIT the solution injected consists of low dilutions of homeopathic remedies, vitamins, minerals and other botanical substances that are compounded and dispensed in ampoules.  It is used to help regulate inflammatory processes in the body,  stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability and aid in detoxification. The immune system will produce the proper reactions to regain natural healing. This may include better local blood circulation, tissue repair, relaxation of muscles or local detoxification. 

In conventional medicine, high doses of pharmaceuticals are introduced. The medicine suppresses the symptoms immediately by inhibiting pain receptors or enzymes controlling inflammation in the body. The patient feels better. This may not heal the area being treated, but only manage the pain. Once the medication stops working, the symptoms usually return. Too many of these injections may have harmful side-effects.