Yes, that is right, Homeopathic remedies are excellent, not only for humans, but also for our pets.
If you did not know, it is National Pet Week May 2-8, 2021.
National Pet Week celebrates the pets that enrich our lives and encourages responsible pet care every day of the year.
Whether companion, comedian, confidant, or protector, our pets are always there for us. National Pet Week celebrates this bond and encourages pet owners to be certain to provide their best friends with everything needed for a happy, healthy life.
My dogs have always grown up with homeopathic remedies. I had three Jack Russell terriers. If not for homeopathy, they would have been on antibiotics and corticosteroids for eczema at various times in their lives.
I now have a miniature dachshund, Daisy. Two weeks ago she suddenly started throwing up in the middle of the night, which did not get better into the next day. In fact it just seemed to be getting worse. I had the vet on standby, as I was not sure of the cause, as well as the fact that she only weighs 8 pounds and I was looking out for dehydration. I started administering homeopathic remedies and almost instantly saw she was starting to feel better and she did not throw up once after that. Four hours later she ate a bowl of food, drank some water and all was well.
Homeopathy can treat from gastrointestinal issues, skin problems, arthritis and pain, to anxiety and much more.
Recently I read this wonderful testimonial that I want to share with you today:
“I spoke with you this morning about our 8-year-old retired Greyhound to share some fantastic news.
Two months ago, Zelda went in for her yearly checkup and heartworm test. During that exam, the vet found a mass in her tongue that was a little less than a centimeter in size. She was scheduled for a dental cleaning and removal of the mass for biopsy.
I was told sometimes these are nothing, but most of the time, it is serious.
Luckily, I stumbled upon Joette Calabrese a couple of years ago.
I had purchased The Banerji Protocols book, and I immediately began Zelda on the protocol for tongue and cheek cancer: Nitricum acidum 3C in liquid, 4 doses daily. She has been on this about two months. For good measure, I added turkey tail twice a day 1,000 mg each dose.
I gained an extra month because we had to reschedule due to a snowstorm.
Well, this morning I got the amazing news that they could not find the mass! It was gone! I am so happy!“